1) For the project in general, I am most proud of the job I was able to obtain, keep, and do well at. I never thought I'd be a legitimate kitchen worker while still in high school unless I was a dishwasher or busboy. I'm proud of myself for being able to work and excel in this professional setting. I am also proud of my knowledge on Cuisine, after all the research. For the presentation, I am most proud of how I got through to students. Many came up to me after the presentation and commented that after watching my presentation, they now feel they'll be able to make food taste better. Also, during the activity debriefed discussion, many students asked question, made observations, and theorized answers to those questions that proved to me how much they truly paid attention. Some students brought to my attention thinks even I hadn't noticed. I am proud of this, because it means that I made theses students think in new and different ways.
a. I feel I deserve an AE for the presentation because of how well I kept the students attention and how I not just taught them content, but got them to think about the subject in a different way. Also, I feel I designed a fun and creative activity that kept the students entertained while demonstrating my answers very clearly and allowing them to put into practice the things they learned. As I walked around during the activity, I could tell this is what the students were able to do.
b. I would give myself an AE because I got an AE on my Exit Interview and Lesson 2, and I feel I deserve an AE on both the final presentation as well as the I-Search paper. I got mostly P's on the small things, like research checks, and went above and beyond with what was required of the mentorship component as well.
3) The things that worked for me were my passion for the subject; it ensures that my boredom couldn't last lint and me strive to always better. Mrs. Ortega and Mr. Rivas worked for me, because they gave me the tools and encouragement to do well in this project. My mentorship worked for me, because they both trained me in being a prep cook as well as providing extra incentive in payig me for my work. Most of the books and journal articles I read worked for me because they were the framework for just about all of my research, far more helpful than web pages and magazines, and kept research checks entertaining.
3) If I could go back in time, I would quit my previous job and worked more at my mentorship. I also would have not only stayed on track with research, but gotten ahead. I would have made sure I always had my headphones so my disruptive classmates couldn't have distracted me. I also would have done something other than mentorship as my second Independent Component, so that I could have furthered my experience in a different way.
5) The senior project taught me how to research. This is an invaluable skill, because now I will go into college knowing how to find reliable sources in sources other than web pages... And I will use less web pages. I also know how to focus on research better. I am also now considering some type of food related job, which I wanted when I was little but cast aside by the time I was 11. I stopped wanted to work with cuisine because I thought being a chef was impractical, but now I know it is possible, and even if I don't become a chef, there are a plethora of other jobs available, such as food developer. Finally, through mentorship, I have learned how to prioritize tasks in a high stress environment. They give me like 4 things to do at once and it's up to me to analyze the situation and see what I should do first and last. This is a skill I know will come in handy in the future.