Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Blog 15: Independent Component 2 Approval

1. For my 30 hours, I plan to cook a "traditional" dish or meal once, following a recipe as closely as I can, and then again without the recipe. The second time will also have my own personal changes, and I will attempt to improve and enhance flavor.

2. I will show my 30 hours of work by taking pictures of the food I cook and I will also post links to the original recipes as long as my edited versions to my blog.

3. My topic is cuisine, which is basically food. What better way to explore food then preparing and cooking it? I will try to make different foods, some vegetarian, some Mexican, some American, or any other number of types of foods. Exploring various types will help me see trends of what always tastes good; it will also help answer my EQ. My EQ is all about enhancing flavor, so if my overall goal for each meal produced is to enhance flavor, then I can use each meal to try out various answers, mainly the three answers I am determining this month. I can test out methods and hopefully find support for each of my answers through this Independent Component.

4. The last section of my Senior Project Hours is now labeled "Independent Component 2"

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