Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Lesson 2 Reflection

1. For my Lesson 2 Presentation, I am most proud of my activity. I made three small snacks that I had the students try and attempt to identify the flavors in the food. I was really worried the food wouldn't taste good, because I was getting over a cold when I made them and my tastes were all out of whack so it was hard to season the food correctly. However, everyone seemed to enjoy the food and many people understood the points I was trying to get across; people commented on the sweetness in the Pico de Gallo, or how the salt on top of the s'mores brought out certain flavors. It was satisfying to see the points I was making in my presentation come out as I walked around the room during the activity.

2. a) I would give myself an AE or E on this presentation.
    b) I know I deserve at least a P on this presentation because I had no concerns with any of the criteria seen on the Lesson 2 contract; I was clear, communicated effectively, and had welcoming body language as well as eye contact, I made time perfectly, used a digital presentation, and brought in food as a prop, clearly had many sources that I cited and used examples from continuously (I even brought in my favorite piece of research, The Flavor Bible), made reference to my mentorship, and had a well planned activity to help explain my answer with clear instructions and a debrief. I deserve higher than a P because I had a lot of scientific explanations with clear pictures of examples and diagrams to help demonstrate the complicated processes and ideas. Many of my peers commented that my presentation was particularly interesting and everyone loved the activity. As stated earlier, the activity particularly made students pay attention to the tastes detected in their mouths, which is truly what the whole lesson was about. Also, aesthetically speaking, I felt my power point was top notch, and I designed it myself to match my blog (which I also designed myself) so I think that counts for something as well.

3.The things that worked for me in my Lesson 2 were my bullets on taste buds, flavor, and the five tastes. I think I could have had a better answer, but I feel I explained everything possible in the lesson. My activity definitely helped get my point across; I almost feel like I've trained some students to recognize tastes and how they interact.

4. I don't think my hook worked very well. My video did, it definitely got students interested, but the question I asked seemed to confuse people. I think next time I'll stick with the question from my Lesson 1, which was, "What is your favorite meal." If I had a time machine, I would do that but I would also debriefe more on my activity. I feel like I should have asked for volunteers to name the tastes of each ingredient in front of the class, rather than just asking students individually during the activity; that way the whole class could have heard what I had discussed with individuals.

5. My answer 2 will probably be something along the lines of, "The most effective way for a culinary artist to enhance the flavor of a dish is to attempt to satisfy as many of the traditional five senses as possible." I would pick this answer because my definition of flavor is, "The effect food has on the senses," so if a single dish can cohesively satisfy all five senses, then theoretically, it would be enjoyable in every aspect of flavor.

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